Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Inspiration from my Ladies

I am very lucky to be surrounded by so many very talented & creative ladies. They are forces to be reckoned with.

Let me give some mad props to the following ladies:

Lucienne G

And of course to my Momma. She's made everything from my easter dresses when I was a kid, to my prom dress, to Halloween dresses. I can't find a current picture of what she's been up to. So, displayed is my flapper dress from Halloween 2006.

Give it up to my ladies!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

DIY or Die

I can often be found day dreaming, doodling, or talking about my latest diy project.

I love to make. Make crafts:

Make food:
The only way I stay interested in cooking (healthy) is by finding new (easy) recipes to try out.

Make stuff:
-Rain barrel
-Laundry detergent

The list is endless.

I love to make so much & am so excited to share making with others that I have decided to open my own shop. A shop where I'll sell a carefully curated selection of locally & regionally made goods & hold weekly How-To classes.

And by golly, I'm no expert (far from it). But my deep-seeded passion for trying to make & sharing making with others is the driving force behind this idea, this shop.

I want to encourage a culture of DIY, create a space for crafters & artists to sell and share their work, their passion.

The business plan is already in the works. And I'm open to any & all's advices. This thing is happening, yall, only time will tell how soon.


Friday, November 30, 2012


I've recently taken an interest in Pinterest and Craft Gawker. I had heard of both of them and had even signed up for a Pinterest account months ago. But it's only in the past week or so that I've increased my time browsing {while drooling} on the sites.

There's just so much inspiration, especially on Pinterest. Inspiring me to make. Make food, bake goods, sew stuffed animals and create Yule Tide gifts.

I think this year for the Yule Tide season, I'll be creating Winter Cold Care kit {also known as "Cold Care in a Jar"}, something I originally discovered at The Gunny Sack. Each kit shall include a mixture of:
  1. Handmade tissues & tissue case
  2. "" lotion bar
  3. "" sanitizer
  4. "" lip balm
  5. "" vapor discs
  6. Herbs
  7. Teas: Throat Coat & Gypsy Cold Care teas are staples in our household
  8. Emergen-C packets
And of course I have the highest ambitions to make most of these items myself. {Some days I pretend I am a SuperMom.} I'm really excited to start on collecting and creating this kit!

What else should be added to the kit? Anything that could make it better? Any suggestions would be helpful. :)


Oh, did you think you'd get away without viewing a picture of the cutest almost-14-month old in the world? {Or 3}

No, I didn't think so.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

When your phone just doesn't cut it

I really do enjoy writing. I like the flow of words that pours out from my mind after a long day of mundane stresses.

I like the weight of the pencil in my hand pushing against the notepad. I like sound of the scribbles. That scratching sound that is somehow soothing, not irritating.

I even like the clickity-click sound of the keys as I furiously type away my musings. It sounds like progress. It sounds like something really important is happening.

But the thing just ruins the stream of conciousness writing that I'm so apt to use is the frustrating, easily-made errors that come from documenting these same thoughts on a smartphone or tablet.

But as a mother who seems to be multitasking constantly, even in my sleep, I use the medium that is nearest to my fingertips (or thumbs). And that's why what's in my head can some times be turned into something completely different when I churn out a blog post on my phone while Elise is nursing.

But that's just how it goes, I suppose...

(And sorry for the hiatus in writing. I am mom, you know : ) ).

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Fake it until you make it

That's the theme of the thoughts that have been running through my head as of late.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Baby Cognition

It's amazing just how much a baby develops in such a short period of time.

Looking back at pictures of Elise, I see many changes. But the one I'm noticing today is the jump in her understanding.

Pictures of her show her looking at her hands in pure puzzlement and bewilderment. It's as if she's thinking,

"What are these objects that keep on waving wildly in front of me? Why do they move so?"

I remember watching one documentary on babies while I was pregnant. The topic was their cognition.

The narrator explained that babies' brains are working overtime in the beginning. Their brains are actually connecting more synapses than they need to and that's why many of their movements are wild and shaky and all over the place. They are testing out all of the possibilities and then narrowing down the ones the ones that work best.

Elise has certainly figured out which movements are the right ones, at least as far as her hands go. Now, she's on to figuring out how to keep her balance while standing.

What are your thoughts on baby cognition? Have you heard of any other explanations as to how babies' develop in their understandings?

On another note, sweet Elise just turned 9 months today! And in no time, this pro explorer will become a pro walker!
