That's the theme of the thoughts that have been running through my head as of late.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
Baby Cognition
It's amazing just how much a baby develops in such a short period of time.
Looking back at pictures of Elise, I see many changes. But the one I'm noticing today is the jump in her understanding.
Pictures of her show her looking at her hands in pure puzzlement and bewilderment. It's as if she's thinking,
"What are these objects that keep on waving wildly in front of me? Why do they move so?"
I remember watching one documentary on babies while I was pregnant. The topic was their cognition.
The narrator explained that babies' brains are working overtime in the beginning. Their brains are actually connecting more synapses than they need to and that's why many of their movements are wild and shaky and all over the place. They are testing out all of the possibilities and then narrowing down the ones the ones that work best.
Elise has certainly figured out which movements are the right ones, at least as far as her hands go. Now, she's on to figuring out how to keep her balance while standing.
What are your thoughts on baby cognition? Have you heard of any other explanations as to how babies' develop in their understandings?
On another note, sweet Elise just turned 9 months today! And in no time, this pro explorer will become a pro walker!
You know what I'm talking about. Those "super moms" and "super dads".
They seem to have it all together. They have endless amounts of energy. And they are able to do more things in one hour than people do in one day.
And they don't complain about it. In fact, they seem to enjoy, nay, revel in it, bask in their "super-ness."
Other parents, on the other hand, are the complete opposite. They are constantly in a frenzied, stressed state. They never seem to have it together. They always seeming to be running on their last ounce of energy.
I think most parent,s in general, remain somewhere in between these two states.
This morning though, I feel a bit in the latter state.
Where is the energy? Where is the "ohhpa"? Where is the gusto?
What kind of parent are you? High energy, low energy or does it just depend on the day?