Sunday, January 27, 2013

DIY or Die

I can often be found day dreaming, doodling, or talking about my latest diy project.

I love to make. Make crafts:

Make food:
The only way I stay interested in cooking (healthy) is by finding new (easy) recipes to try out.

Make stuff:
-Rain barrel
-Laundry detergent

The list is endless.

I love to make so much & am so excited to share making with others that I have decided to open my own shop. A shop where I'll sell a carefully curated selection of locally & regionally made goods & hold weekly How-To classes.

And by golly, I'm no expert (far from it). But my deep-seeded passion for trying to make & sharing making with others is the driving force behind this idea, this shop.

I want to encourage a culture of DIY, create a space for crafters & artists to sell and share their work, their passion.

The business plan is already in the works. And I'm open to any & all's advices. This thing is happening, yall, only time will tell how soon.
