Friday, November 30, 2012


I've recently taken an interest in Pinterest and Craft Gawker. I had heard of both of them and had even signed up for a Pinterest account months ago. But it's only in the past week or so that I've increased my time browsing {while drooling} on the sites.

There's just so much inspiration, especially on Pinterest. Inspiring me to make. Make food, bake goods, sew stuffed animals and create Yule Tide gifts.

I think this year for the Yule Tide season, I'll be creating Winter Cold Care kit {also known as "Cold Care in a Jar"}, something I originally discovered at The Gunny Sack. Each kit shall include a mixture of:
  1. Handmade tissues & tissue case
  2. "" lotion bar
  3. "" sanitizer
  4. "" lip balm
  5. "" vapor discs
  6. Herbs
  7. Teas: Throat Coat & Gypsy Cold Care teas are staples in our household
  8. Emergen-C packets
And of course I have the highest ambitions to make most of these items myself. {Some days I pretend I am a SuperMom.} I'm really excited to start on collecting and creating this kit!

What else should be added to the kit? Anything that could make it better? Any suggestions would be helpful. :)


Oh, did you think you'd get away without viewing a picture of the cutest almost-14-month old in the world? {Or 3}

No, I didn't think so.

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